Add Bootstrap Sass to the WordPress Theme

This tutorial goes over the steps to integrate all of the Bootstrap Sass files in our WordPress starter theme. I go over how the gulpfile.js file is setup to add and compile all of the Bootstrap styles. After this tutorial you will have a stylesheet that is compiled and minified for optimal speed and performance.

In this series, we are also going to be doing some source control on our theme files. In the tutorial, I go over how to initialize a local git repository and how to create and push all the code to a remote repository on GitHub!

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Understand Flexbox

Flexbox is a new layout mode in CSS3 that allows you to create layouts without using floats or tables. As of now, some older browsers do not support CSS3, but it is important to understand and learn. It is the future!

Bootstrap 4 has an option to enable the use of Flexbox within the framework. When we start developing our Bootstrap 4 WordPress theme we will go over how to use the Bootstrap Flexbox options. This means it is important you understand what Flexbox is and how to use it.

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Using Bower with WordPress Theme Development

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Bower to easily manage third-party libraries, frameworks, and other assets in your WordPress theme project.

We will use Bower to install the latest version of Bootstrap and then enqueue the CSS file in our WordPress theme. This will show you how quick and easy it is to add third-party libraries to your projects with Bower.

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Getting Gulp setup quickly within a WordPress Theme Project

I personally use the same Gulp file with minor changes in every WordPress theme development project I work on. This allows me to get my WordPress theme setup and running very quickly!

In this tutorial, I share my gulpfile.js file and go over some of the included Gulp tasks. You will also see how easy it is to get your WordPress theme setup with existing package.json and gulpfil.js files.

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Installing the Gulp Sass Plugin

This tutorial goes over how to install Gulp plugins as project dependencies. You will also learn how to use the command line to run a Gulp task to compile your WordPress theme Sass files.

Gulp is a powerful tool that can save you a lot of time while doing any type of development online.

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Installing Gulp

In this tutorial, I go over how to install Gulp within your WordPress theme development project. Moving forward we will be using several different Gulp tasks to automate and optimize our WordPress themes.

Bootstrap 4 uses a similar tool called Grunt that we will discuss in later tutorials.

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Installing Node

In order to start using Gulp and other tools you need to install Node on your computer. Once Node is installed, you will be able to use the Node Package Manager(NPM) to install other tools and dependencies.

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Getting familiar with the Command Line

In order to use Node, Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and other tools it is best to have a good understanding on how to use the command line. Using the command line will make you a better developer and save you a lot of time.

Moving forward, I will be using the command line to install tools that will help with WordPress theme development. These tutorials will help get you familiar with the command line.

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