Theme Options for WordPress Blog

In this tutorial you will learn how to add several different theme options for the WordPress blog layout. This tutorial will add a new section called Blog to our Theme Options panel with the following options:

  • enable/disable post meta data
  • a text field to allow users to change the read more button text
  • enable/disable the Bootstrap .btn-block class on the read more button to make it full width
  • add a select field to allow the user to pick the read more button size
  • add a select field to allow the user to pick the read more button color
  • enable/disable post tags

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WordPress Toolbar CSS for Fixed and Static Navigations

In this tutorial I go over some CSS that needs to be added to our WordPress theme based on the position of the navigation to work with the WordPress toolbar. This is determined by the users theme options selection from the WordPress dashboard. If the WordPress toolbar is enabled and the user has a fixed navigation, it might overlap. To fix this, we just add a little CSS to target the fixed navbar.

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Adding Fixed/Static and Inverse/Default Header Theme Options

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a "Header" section to the WordPress theme options panel. In this theme options section, we will add two different switches to allow your theme users to edit the Bootstrap navigation/navbar.

The first switch will enabled or disable the fixed navbar. If the theme user enables the fixed navbar setting, the navbar on the front-end of the site will stay fixed at the top of the browser window. If this option is disabled, the navbar will be static. The second switch will allow the user to enable/disable the Bootstrap inverse navbar styles.

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Setting up the basic WordPress Theme Options Panel

This tutorial goes over the basic settings for the WordPress theme options panel to get it ready for our custom theme options. After this tutorial you will have a blank theme options panel with all your selected menu names and link URLs.

I recommend saving this version of your theme after you finish this tutorial. It is a good starting point when creating a new premium WordPress theme in the future.

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Adding a Theme Options Panel to our WordPress theme

This tutorial is the start of the Theme Options series. In this series we are going to add a theme options panel to the WordPress theme you have been building in the previous tutorials. This tutorial will go over how to get the files in place needed to create the theme options panel. By the end of this tutorial you will have a theme options panel framework installed in your WordPress theme and ready for further development.

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The perfect base WordPress theme

If you like using Bootstrap and WordPress as much as I do, you should now have the perfect base WordPress theme to start any project moving forward. At this point, our WordPress theme has all the Bootstrap components and features, several custom page templates, styled comments, Font Awesome, custom functions, and much more.

In the following video, I go over how you can use this base theme for your WordPress projects and how you can quickly add a custom homepage to the theme.

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