Footer Theme Options to manage the copy

This tutorial goes over how to add two editors in a Footer section to the theme options panel. These editors will allow our theme users the ability to add any type on content they would like to the footer of the theme. These editors are perfect for copyright text and whatever else the user needs to put in the footer.

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Adding Fixed/Static and Inverse/Default Header Theme Options

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a "Header" section to the WordPress theme options panel. In this theme options section, we will add two different switches to allow your theme users to edit the Bootstrap navigation/navbar.

The first switch will enabled or disable the fixed navbar. If the theme user enables the fixed navbar setting, the navbar on the front-end of the site will stay fixed at the top of the browser window. If this option is disabled, the navbar will be static. The second switch will allow the user to enable/disable the Bootstrap inverse navbar styles.

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