If you made it this far, you have completed the HTML/CSS template to WordPress theme series! I am sure you have learned a lot and can now use your new skills to develop, build, and customize other WordPress themes.
Converting a HTML template into a WordPress Theme – What to Expect
This is the start of the HTML to WordPress theme tutorial series! I hope you are as excited as I am about this series. You will be able to download a beautiful Bootstrap HTML/CSS template that we are going to convert into a premium WordPress theme.
In this series we will start with the Base Theme from Series One (so be sure you have completed that series) and go step-by-step to integrate the HTML into a WordPress theme.
Watch the video below to see the template you will be converting into a WordPress theme.
Homepage Sorter – Adding Hero Post
This tutorial goes over how to add the markup to display the latest blog post drag and drop module on the homepage in a Bootstrap Jumbotron.
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Homepage Sorter – Adding Three Widget Areas
This tutorial goes over how to declare and use three widget areas for the homepage layout manager. This allows users to display widget content on the homepage in a three column layout.
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Homepage Sorter – Featured Content in Bootstrap Jumbotron
This tutorial goes over how to create the different page templates for the homage drag and drop sorter. We also build the Featured Content section that displays in a Bootstrap Jumbotron.
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Adding a Drag and Drop sorter to arrange the Homepage layout
This tutorial goes over how to add a sorter to our theme options panel which allows the user to drag and drop modules to arrange the homepage layout.
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Adding Social Icons to our Theme Options
This tutorial goes over how to add a social icons section in our theme options panel. Once the section is setup we display the social Font Awesome icons in the footer of our Bootstrap WordPress theme.
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Footer Theme Options to manage the copy
This tutorial goes over how to add two editors in a Footer section to the theme options panel. These editors will allow our theme users the ability to add any type on content they would like to the footer of the theme. These editors are perfect for copyright text and whatever else the user needs to put in the footer.
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Portfolio Filter Theme Options
This tutorial adds new theme options to edit the filter on the portfolio page template. We will add options to show/hide the portfolio filter, change the filter button size, and change the filter button colors.
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Theme Option to select Portfolio columns
This tutorial goes over how to add a new Portfolio section to our theme options panel. Within the Portfolio section we will add an image select option to allow our theme users the ability to pick between two, three, and a four column portfolio layout.
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