Adding Media Queries to our WordPress theme

This tutorial will go over how to add CSS media queries to our WordPress theme. This will help us target and style different HTML elements for different devices. Bootstrap is a mobile first framework, so you will learn what this means and how we can use media queries in our responsive WordPress theme.

In this tutorial we will add the CSS styles to left align the footer copyright text on small devices and right align it on all the others. This will all be determined by the CSS styles in the media queries that target certain device widths.

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Customizing the WordPress Footer

In this tutorial we are going to add some new features to the default footer. This will include adding a custom footer menu, adding the copyright text, and adding CSS to customize the look and feel. You will learn the code that needs to be added to our function file to add a new WordPress menu and also how to use the Inspect Element browser tool to help customize your footer CSS styles.

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Adding the Bootstrap Search Form to WordPress

In this video you will learn how to style the default WordPress search form with Bootstrap markup. You will first learn how to use the searchform.php WordPress file to override the default search form and then the code needed to build the form. We will use the Bootstrap input group add-on markup to get the button to append to the input field. This makes your search form look very clean!

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Adding the Bootstrap Grid system to WordPress

This tutorial will go over how to add the Bootstrap Grid system to our WordPress starter theme. This will make our WordPress theme responsive and also get our sidebar positioned correctly. You will also learn how to add the grid system to full width pages and every other page that is included with our starter theme out-of-box.

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Adding Font Awesome to WordPress

This tutorial will go over how to add Font Awesome to our WordPress theme. Bootstrap comes with around 200 Glyphicons, but sometimes that just isn't enough! Font Awesome also includes some great styles to use the icons in unordered list, stack them, rotate them, and use throughout our Bootstrap mark-up. Follow along to add Font Awesome to your WordPress theme.

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Turning the starter theme into our Premium WordPress theme

This is a quick video that briefly goes over our plans with this course. The end goal is to take our starter theme from and turn it into one of our most popular WordPress themes, StrapPress. Once we have the base of StrapPress built, we will start adding other features and styles. This will be similar to the themes over at

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