This tutorial goes over how you can customize the Easy Digital Downloads checkout page templates. I also go over how you can customize the Easy Digital Downloads CSS file.
Integrate HTML template Assets
In this tutorial we will integrate the CSS, JS, fonts, and images from the Diamond HTML/CSS template into our base Bootstrap WordPress theme. This will include adding the CSS and JS to our WordPress theme the correct way (enqueue). We will also include Font Awesome and the images needed for our background images.
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Diamond HTML/CSS Files
Before you begin the tutorial series on how to integrate a HTML template into a WordPress theme you will need to download the Diamond HTML/CSS files below so you can follow along.
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Footer Theme Options to manage the copy
This tutorial goes over how to add two editors in a Footer section to the theme options panel. These editors will allow our theme users the ability to add any type on content they would like to the footer of the theme. These editors are perfect for copyright text and whatever else the user needs to put in the footer.
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Adding a Custom CSS field to the Theme Options Panel
This tutorial goes over how to add a custom CSS field in our theme options panel to allow the theme user to insert custom CSS to edit the WordPress theme. This will help the theme user add CSS styles to our theme without having to create a child theme or edit the stylesheet.
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WordPress Toolbar CSS for Fixed and Static Navigations
In this tutorial I go over some CSS that needs to be added to our WordPress theme based on the position of the navigation to work with the WordPress toolbar. This is determined by the users theme options selection from the WordPress dashboard. If the WordPress toolbar is enabled and the user has a fixed navigation, it might overlap. To fix this, we just add a little CSS to target the fixed navbar.
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Adding Media Queries to our WordPress theme
This tutorial will go over how to add CSS media queries to our WordPress theme. This will help us target and style different HTML elements for different devices. Bootstrap is a mobile first framework, so you will learn what this means and how we can use media queries in our responsive WordPress theme.
In this tutorial we will add the CSS styles to left align the footer copyright text on small devices and right align it on all the others. This will all be determined by the CSS styles in the media queries that target certain device widths.
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Adding some CSS styles for the Blog layout
This short tutorial goes over how to add some CSS styles to change the look and feel of our blog layout. We will also add some styles to make sure images stay within our defined containers. This will also make sure our WordPress theme stays responsive.
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Customizing the WordPress Post Meta
Now that we have Font Awesome included in our WordPress theme, lets use it to customize our post meta. In this tutorial, we will also write some CSS to customize the look and feel of the post meta links and content.
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Styling the WordPress Pagination with Bootstrap CSS classes
In this tutorial you will learn how to style your WordPress starter theme pagination. We will use the Bootstrap CSS classes to style both the post and page pagination by editing the different functions.
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