Short video that goes over what you can expect in this Bootstrap 4 tutorial series.
Watch First: Building StanleyWP
Short video on the specific details about what to expect in this Bootstrap 4 tutorial series for members.
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Zip and Package WordPress theme files for Delivery and Distribution
This tutorial goes over how I use a Gulp task to zip up my theme files. The zip package is perfect to give to clients or upload in the WordPress Dashboard. Gulp makes it fun and easy!
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WordPress Customizer Setting for Typography
This tutorial goes over how to add a typography control to the WordPress customizer. This control allows your theme user to pick different fonts, including Google fonts, and manage the size, font weight, color, etc.
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Customizer Setting to Adjust Project Items per Row
This tutorial goes over how to add a select field to the WordPress customizer to allow the user to change the project items per row on the project archive and home page.
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Customizer text field to change Custom Post Type Archive Page Title
This tutorial goes over how to add panels, sections, and controls to the WordPress customizer. Once you understand how panels, sections, and controls are added to the customizer we add new Projects Settings section. Within this section we add a text field to allow our theme user to change the title on the Project Archive page.
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Adding the Kirki Plugin to WordPress Theme
This tutorial goes over how to add the Kirki plugin to our WordPress theme. This plugin allows use to easily add customizer sections, panels, and controls to the WordPress Customizer section to allow the user to change settings and options for our WordPress theme.
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Update WordPress Theme to latest version of Bootstrap 4
This tutorial goes over how to update to the latest version of Bootstrap 4 and what to look out for when updating your theme in the future.
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Using the Bootstrap 4 Media Queries to edit styles at certain breakpoints
This tutorial goes over how to use the Bootstrap 4 media queries to add and edit our CSS styles to change the way our theme looks at different breakpoints. Bootstrap 4 is a mobile first framework, so we make sure to change the styles for larger devices.
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Styling Author Avatar
This short tutorial goes over how to style the Author and Author avatar that is displayed on each post.
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